5 Simple Ways to Navigate Holiday Eating

5 Simple Ways to Navigate Holiday Eating

Pumpkin pie, sweet potato casserole, Christmas morning cinnamon rolls…

Just a few of my favorite holiday foods and my mouth is watering just thinking about them.

What are your favorites? (Seriously, I’d love to know! Comment below, or leave me a comment over on the ‘gram.)

To help you navigate Thanksgiving through the new year and everything in between, I’m sharing my top 5 tips to truly enjoy the holiday food deliciousness while maintaining your weight and hard-earned fitness gains.

#1 Be mindful of protein and veggies.

Let’s be honest; carbs and fat have never been hard for me to get enough of around the holidays. But protein and veggies? It can take a conscious effort to keep up my intake, though the impact is well worth it. 

Eating enough protein daily will make it easier to maintain fitness as well as your weight. And veggies will help your body remove toxins from extra processed goodies and keep you your energy and digestion feeling good.

Be mindful of continuing to eat plenty of both, whether it’s filling your Thanksgiving plate with protein and veggies first or bumping up servings in your other meals.

#2 Don't skip meals.

This is probably the #1 mistake I see people make around the holidays. I know it’s tempting, especially if you end a meal feeling stuffed, but don’t do it!

If you skip before a planned holiday meal, you often end up indulging more. And if you try to skip after, you may end up starving, only to reach for whatever treats are nearby.

This can lead to crazy blood sugar and energy swings, not to mention a harmful binge-restrict cycle.

So, simply get right back to your normal eating schedule. You can go a little lighter if you’d like, but eat enough to be satisfied and make it balanced with at least protein, veggies, and fat.

#3 Drink lots of water.

Not only are there tons of benefits from staying hydrated, but this will help regulate your appetite and flush toxins from any processed foods you consume. 

I like to aim for 100+ ounces of water or unsweetened drinks like tea per day. (The extra steps for additional bathroom trips is a bonus! You’re welcome 😉

#4 Remember, it’s a holiDAY (not month).

Holiday weight gain doesn’t result from one particular day or meal. It happens because the extra treats all month long add up.

Keep the indulgent foods mainly to single days, meals, or special occasions. Then, use that as motivation to eat well in between, as what you eat most of the time is what matters most.

#5 Eat the foods you love & ditch the guilt.

I’ll say it again: what you eat and do most of the time has the biggest impact on your weight, performance, and health. 

That means nothing has to be off limits on each holiday or special occasion. Go for the pumpkin pie, the cinnamon rolls, or whatever else you’re excited about tasting and enjoy!

I hope you find those tips helpful.

Now comment below and tell me: What do you find most challenging about nutrition or fitness around the holidays?

Wishing you a safe, restorative Thanksgiving week!


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